
Saya lahir di Purwakarta, 23 Oktober 1978. Saat ini saya bertugas sebagai Pengawas Sekolah Muda Pada MTs di Lingkungan Kemenag Kab. Purwakarta Jawa Barat|| Saya...

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BEING A MUSLIM IN 21st CENTURY (With PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom)   H4 T118
@United Kingdom

BEING A MUSLIM IN 21st CENTURY (With PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom) H4 T118

BEING A MUSLIM IN 21st CENTURY (With PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom)

#Tantangan_Hari_Ke_4 #Tulisan_Ke_118

#Tantangan_60_Hari_Menulis_Gurusiana #Minggu_7_Juni_2020

BEING A MUSLIM IN 21st CENTURY (With PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom)

Alhamdulillah, it's my pleasure tonight from 09. PM-10.30 PM can join at meeting room with other participants from other country, for discussing about " BEING A MUSLIM IN 21st CENTURY" with With PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom.

By zoom meeting aplication we can do our meeting at United Kingdom without go there by the air plane, just stay at home.

Tonight, we are sharing and discussion, about ;

1). About how to being muslim at 21st century on challenges and opportunities for social work with Muslims and others. (This one is my quetion for the speaker)

2). About how coronavirus challenges Muslims’ faith and changes our lives

3). About is the british value compatible with Islamic values.

4). About how find challenging in spreading the message of Islam to the wider public in UK.

5). In Indonesia there is many religious conflicts that occur in Indonesia sometimes in the name of a religion. What will we do as become a part of Indonesian Muslims.

6). What we are thinking about that opinion; An early debate in Muslim circles around coronavirus has been a theological one. Muslims believe God created the universe and continues to actively govern its affairs. This would mean the emergence of the virus is an active creation of God.

7). About view on Hizbut Tahrir

8). About the rise of Islamic hardliner recently.

9). About how to promote muslim inovation in the UK, If many in Indonesia support such as the ministiry of religious , institutions or islamic organizations .

10). About islamic institutions or islamic organizations in the UK.

11). The kind of preaching methods do muslims use in the UK to make islam wore widespread there.

12). About Halal Food in UK

13). About Islamic political existence to take preaching in UK.

14). About advise times like this, some people will inevitably lose their wealth, income and even their lives.

15). About the similarities between Indonesia, Malesia and Turkey, with in Islamic practices

Written By Me


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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


makin keren, inspiratif, dan semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk banyak orang.

07 Jun

Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih. Aamiin

07 Jun

sama-sama bu.

07 Jun


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